New Years Fast, Jan 5-17th

Why are we fasting?
by Pastor Daniel Kellogg

In the hustle of our daily lives, fasting becomes a much-needed pause—a deliberate act of self-denial that opens the door to spiritual reflection and renewal. As we abstain from physical desire, we allow God to take the forefront of our daily lives. Fasting is not just about abstaining from food or entertainment; it is a symbolic surrender of our desires, an intentional sacrifice that transcends what we see.  When we replace our desires with dependence, we find a space for God to fill, a void for the grace of Jesus to flow into. Fasting reminds us to be reliant on God’s provision and direction.

Why 12 days?
We're celebrating 12 years since Awaken Wenatchee Church started! We invite you to join us in taking these12 days to re-focus yourself on God and to listen to His voice for your 2025.

When can I join?
We're inviting you and the entire church to fast with us January 5-17, 2025. Fasting is an important spiritual discipline. If you find this page later and you feel God nudging you to fast, you can participate anytime.

January 5-17, 2025

How can I fast?

No solid food
We want to encourage everyone who is able to, to fast all solid food for 12 days. Broth and other fluids are up to you to add or subtract as well. What I have found is that if you have coffee or other drinks, they tend to make you hungry. It is important to continue to drink water. The point is to spend time with God when you would usually be cooking and eating food. 

Only vegetables
You can also fast everything but vegetables as Daniel the prophet did in Daniel 1:12. In this fast you are not to eat anything other than solid vegetables. This fast is very popular with those who can’t cut out all food due to becoming weak due to low blood sugar.

No entertainment
The last option to fast is entertainment. This is a great way for beginners to try fasting. Abstaining from entertainment and replacing it with the Word of God can bring you the refreshing restart you need as you put God first in you life.  Also, it is the safest option for kids and those with severe health conditions. This fast would be from all social media, tv, video games and anything that could take the place of your full focus on God.

How can we include our families?

Communicate early.
As soon as you decide to fast, talk with your family about it. Teach your kids what fasting is and what it means to you. Tell them why it is important for us to humble ourselves before God through fasting.

Ask them how they want to participate.
It is important for us each to decide before God how we will fast. For some of us, including kids and adults with certain health conditions, it is unsafe to fast from food. Take these thoughts into consideration as you talk together.

Keep each other accountable in love.
Fasting can be hard! In fact, it’s not meant to be easy. Be patient with each other and try to keep your schedule light if possible. Offer alternatives to your normal entertainment such as an audio Bible and family activities that point you to Christ.

Read through a devotional together with others. Here is a list of ideas.

How can we get the most out of a fast?

1. Prepare physically by beginning to limit food intake during the days before the fast begins. If you are fasting from something non-food related the same concept applies. Begin limiting your exposure to that thing to allow for an easier transition.

2. Anytime you feel hungry, respond with Bible reading and prayer. This devotional is a great place to start, but don’t stop here! Download the Bible App and choose a Bible-In-A-Year plan, or join a reading plan with your discipleship group.

3. Try journaling your experience. Write about your Bible reading, write your prayers, or write what God is doing in your heart. Fasting helps your soul realize that the body isn’t in charge - your spirit man is. The insights you gain will be helpful when the fast is over.

4. Exit the fast slowly. If you fasted from all food it is important that you spend a few days slowly bringing food back into your body. Start with clear broth for several meals, followed by very small portions of easy-to-digest foods.

5. It is just as important to cultivate a humble heart coming out of a fast as it is going into it. Continue praying and reading God’s Word.

Any questions?

If you have any questions you are always welcome to email or call Awaken and we would be happy to help you as you start off this year focused on Jesus.     509-669-0551

Next Steps

You did it! After your fast we encourage you to continue to put God first in your life for the rest of 2025.

Share your story

We'd love to hear about how this fast has impacted your life. Fill out the form below to share your story with us.